Jul 8Liked by Bonnie Chung

Such a wonderfully honest piece again Bonnie, thanks so much for sharing your experiences. I’ve never had therapy, but have benefited massively from life coaching. I was encouraged to shop around and find the right person, which was vital. Trust is so important. On a more flippant note, I’m watching The Sopranos, and loving the scenes between Tony and his therapist Dr Melfi!

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Haha i love Dr. melfi! Yes life coaching, while not the same as therapy, really is another form of excellent support. Im trying it right now and its really helped me form a plan that is sustainable and connecting back to my values. Thats great that you shopped around first. Its really worth that extra effort! Thank you andy for all your support for my writing! X

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Thank you for such an honest read, Bonnie. It's so helpful to have all of this broken down in a way that speaks to entrepreneurs. I did try therapy before but I'm not sure it was a good match. Finding the right therapist is so important.

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Thanks Hayley! Yes it can take a while to find the right therapist which does not help with the problem of cost!!! The system doesnt encourage us to shop around for a while first, and i think this would be helpful! Its a bit all or nothing isnt it!

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You're right! And we'd shop around for anything else.

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Jul 6Liked by Bonnie Chung

Ah, I resonate deeply with existential crises. I've never heard of the four types you listed. Very interesting. It makes sense why people have a quarter life crisis (freedom) and mid-life, people probably freak out over both meaningfulness and death. Glad you found therapy helpful! In the US I find therapists are very quick to diagnose and medicate, and I am personally opposed to that for me. Unfortunately they tend to be very pushy when it comes to medication, so I have sought solace in my journal and spirituality over the years. My parents did put me in analysis when I was very young (I refused to go to school! ha!) so I think that shaped my thinking and equipped me for self-understanding. Anyway, glad you have found what works for you, and that you're here sharing the revelations!

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Thanks Suzanne for sharing your story- super facscinating. I think the UK is starting to follow the US model of pushing medication, although not as extreme. I took medication for about 6 months and then came off, as I felt the talk therapy was the most important impactful. And yes, we find our own way too - journalling is so helpful and certainly part of my self care. Thanks so much for sharing and for your support!

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You're preaching to the converted. It's so helpful for all the reasons you described.

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Phew!! So pleased you agree Evgeny! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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